Kyler and Branson – Please Don’t Break Up

July 29th, 2010

The young world is full of so many possibilities. Will lava become rock? Will mud become life? So is young love full of possibilities. But the mud becomes a baby, and that is the most beautiful life of all.. Kyler and Branson, stay together, because a baby needs two moms more than ever. When i think of the game you played of pretending to feed each other from the forest, and how we all laughed, i feel truly at peace and can sleep a long time.

P.S. So glad the school board relented and let you go to the “normal” prom.

It’s not break-up time today.

November 5th, 2009
Nice betrothal of Edgar and Edith

Nice betrothal of Edgar and Edith, 1911

When you met, my grandfather said it was clear you were meant to be together for ever.

Don’t let time break you up, make the most of today, and live in the moment. Life is full of wonder.

Edgar and Edith 2007

Edgar and Edith 2007

Hurry, before you are broken up.

Gwyneth and Tosh

October 16th, 2009

Gentleness goes a long way
Let me tell you a story from africa. one day, Anansi was going to break up. Turtle told him not to. Anansi listened, and Turtle gave him a feast in his honor. I have all the ingredients of a fine feast; do you want me to cook it, or throw it out? Please don’t break up, guys. I am so hopeful.

Carl and Betty

October 15th, 2009

Remember when you kissed him on the shoulder?

Remember when you kissed him on the shoulder?

How could it go so bad so fast? Your relationship is the basis for my novel. The last chapter inst’ written yet, you have the power. please don’t break up.

Majel and Vasilli

October 15th, 2009

Cheer up, dear loves

Cheer up, dear loves

Recently, you seem really down. So does everyone you know. That means they love you, and don’t want to break up. Please, don’t break up.

A machine that cares

October 15th, 2009

Robo-Eye sees Love in the Airport

Robo-Eye sees Love in the Airport

The EU has a big heart. Thanks to new technology, couples that may break up are given a second chance. Please, make it count.

Prepared for anything

October 13th, 2009

Dream Come True

Dream Come True

If your relationship were an animal, it would be the cute baby version of that animal. Go out on a date, again and again. Please don’t break up, Jeth and Faruk.

Love is its own beauty

October 13th, 2009

Wake me at 7, so I can love you all day

Wake me at 7, so I can love you all day

When Neil Armstrong first returned from the moon, he reported that aside from stones, he found that the moon was covered in beautiful love from the Earth’s perfect couples. Even though you hadn’t met yet, I like to think that your perfect love was also on the moon. Don’t wait for NASA, just moon your own relationship. Do moon, please don’t break up.

The birthplace of romance…

October 9th, 2009

Excellent time for love, spring time

Excellent time for love, spring time

Gary, and Bright Susan, there are three moons in the sky tonight. The normal moon, and you two love moons. A moon never dies. Please, don’t break up.

Please, couples, listen to me

October 9th, 2009

gross Lupe and Greg, I had a dream last night, and it was one of those dreams. I’m never wrong about these things, you won’t break up.